check out this life-changing story

our vision

Elevate Life Church was launched with one mission: to help people encounter God, embrace others and elevate their world. Since our first day, God has blessed our church beyond our wildest dreams and enabled us to see that mission come to pass for tens of thousands of people. And while we’re deeply grateful for all that God has done, we’re committed to never living in the past but always moving forward into what God is doing next. Now we sense that God is leading us into a new season of opportunity to multiply our impact and outreach like never before by expanding our broadcast location.

Over the last 14 years, our family has grown - a lot. And the truth is, we need a bigger house! Our church has never been focused on a building; we're far more concerned about building people's lives. But as Elevate Life Church has grown, it has become more and more necessary to have a broadcast location that better ministers to our people, serves our community, resources our campuses, and takes the gospel to the world. We plan to grow our capacity at Oakleaf by approximately 140%. This will include building a new, world-class 1,800-seat worship center with state-of-the-art broadcast technologies, as well as renovating our current worship space to expand and upgrade our eKids experience.

Through our ALL IN initiative, we will accomplish all of this by increasing our giving by $8M over the next two years. When the initiative ends, we 
expect to open our new building for Christmas 2026 and step into a season of even greater growth for our church. If you call Elevate Life Church your home, we ask you to prayerfully consider your role in joining those making a two-year, faith-filled commitment over and above their regular tithes and offerings. With unwavering faith, we believe God will honor each commitment and provide all that is needed.

This will be, without doubt, one of the most significant seasons in the history of our church. Let’s go ALL IN!