welcome to eKids
We believe that God has big things in store for every child. We partner with parents to see kids know and follow Jesus! Our goal is for every child who steps into our eKids environment to have a genuine relationship with God, built on solid Biblical foundation. Each week, future world-changers grow more in love with God and His house through worship, interactive lessons, and of course, fun!
your first visit
From the moment you pull into the parking lot, you’ll notice lots of friendly faces eager to show you the way.
Your first stop when you arrive will be the first-time check-in area just inside our family entrance. We want to serve your family well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and we’ll collect your contact information.
Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during service, you’ll see your child’s code on the screen. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick up your child after gathering.
age groups
We keep our nursery rooms ready for your little ones with age-appropriate toys that are thoroughly cleaned between services. We know babies have specific needs and schedules, so when you bring your child to the classroom, we have an easy-to-use form that you can fill out to let our team know the feeding, sleeping, and changing needs your child has. We also take time to love and pray for your child each week.
In preschool, children start to engage more with their church experience, so we help them interact and build their faith through stories, crafts, and songs that give them Biblical truths. They also start to form relationships with other kids and their teachers. Follow along with our monthly curriculum by downloading the Bible App for Kids.
Every weekend, your children will experience dynamic worship and a dynamic Biblical teaching in our eKids environment. Most of their time is spent in their Small Groups to give them the benefit of a consistent Group Leader and interaction with kids their age. Together, they learn about the Bible and how to have a relationship with God, memorize Scripture, and have fun developing friendships with each other.
special needs
Learn more about the curriculum, parent resources, and specific campus information by clicking the button below.
what are we learning?
Check out the printouts below to see what we are learning this month for early childhood and elementary.