global missions & missions trips
Our world, now more than ever, needs the message of the gospel and the hope that a relationship with Jesus can usher into their lives. We believe that All people are valuable and created in the image of God.
We have cultivated relationships and partnerships with organizations globally with like-minded missions. Through our partnerships, we will provide children with clean water who otherwise would not have access to it. Provide feminine hygiene products for teens and women all over the world. We are passionate about abolishing human trafficking, providing global disaster relief and so much more.
More than 100 million children will experience God’s Word this year through our national and global partnerships, and YOU can be a part of making it a reality! OneHope, Children's Cup, and local Dream Centers are ministries that equip the local church to share the Gospel with young people. They design scripture engagement programs for the next generation to learn about Jesus and discover their purpose. Click below for more information on how you can be a part of these mission trips.
local missions
Our first priority, when it comes to missions, is our own city and the communities right here within our reach. Above + Beyond provides us with the essential resources we need to go out into our city and minister to those who need Jesus. Through local hands-on outreaches and by partnering with local organizations we are able to serve our city in the best way possible.
We are able to give groceries to those less fortunate through Pop-Up Pantry, backpacks to those who need school supplies through our annual Backpack Drive, put Thanksgiving dinner on tables through Giving Hope, and so much more. We would not be able to accomplish any of this without the generosity of this church. Thank you for helping us serve our city!
Our nation, now more than ever, needs message of the gospel and the hope that a relationship with Jesus can usher into their lives. The key to spreading the gospel here in our own nation is through the development and strengthening of churches and by raising up successful leaders within the ministry.
We have cultivated relationships and partnerships with organizations that have a like-minded mission. Through our partnerships, we will plant churches across the United States, reach more inmates than ever before, provide struggling pastors with the therapy they need to lead their churches confidently and train up dynamic leaders in ministry who will lead a new generation of churches.
Through Above+Beyond, these partnerships, and your generosity we believe we can be the much-needed light in a nation that continues to fall away from Jesus.