This packet will outline why Student Leadership exists and exactly what a leader is committed to. After checking out the commitments, you’ll see that we’re expecting a lot from our leaders; however, there are benefits and you’ll find that these high requirements have high rewards. Once you take a look at what it means to be a part of Student Leadership, you might decide you want to begin the process. We hope you do!

We help youth encounter God, embrace others, and elevate their world.

admin team
If you are organized, a problem solver, and love the details, this team is for you! Through the gift of administration, this team helps keep the ministry organized, plays a huge part of reaching our goals, and turns the vision into a reality.
creative team
Are you a big-picture thinker? Does creating something out of nothing sound like fun to you? If so, this is the team for you! Our Creative Team comes together to brainstorm creative elements for our Youth experience.
experience team
Nothing makes a difference like good sound, video, and lighting. If you know how to run ProPresenter, have a gifted ear for sound, some technical skills, or a willingness to work backstage, then this is the spot for you. This person would be joining a high-energy worship team and help to create an environment that allows people to engage in the worship experience each week. Training is provided.
welcome team
Outgoing? Want to get to know others at Elevate? Ready to serve? The Welcome Team could be for you! Every week the Welcome Team has a unique opportunity to touch nearly every person that walks through the doors of Elevate. Whether it’s in the parking lot, sidewalks, lobby, or auditorium, the Welcome Team plays an integral part in impacting lives, potentially forever. Welcome Team consists of ushers, greeters, hospitality, security and medics.
worship team
Musicians & Singers – Want to help lead the people of Elevate in worship? This person would be joining a high-energy worship team and help to create an environment that allows people to encounter Christ through music.

know Jesus
It is important to know a specific time when you surrendered your life to Jesus. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian just like going to McDonalds doesn’t make you a cheeseburger. Baptism is important but it cannot save you. Baptism is only a symbol that you have been saved.
Grow in your relationship with Christ through the following spiritual habits:
Devotion. This is a time set aside where you can spend alone time with God in prayer and Bible study. Be creative. Find a place where you can spend time with God consistently. Whether it’s a porch swing or on a truck bed under the stars, this time with God is special.
Find a mentor. Why do life alone? Find an adult leader you can trust. No matter what your struggles, you should be able to share this with your mentor. This relationship will challenge each of you to live a life pleasing to God.
Serving. Maintain the heart of a servant. When you serve others and God, you grow in Him. It’s that simple.
Involvement in the Church Body. We will not be a secluded ministry. We will be deeply involved with living in community at Elevate Life Church.
Giving. Giving is an act of worship and is another great way to grow in your relationship with God. Giving can include time, talent or money.
be consistent
It is essential that you attend an Elevate Life Church service, YTH service, and Sunday Leadership Team meetings weekly! This is mandatory. If you are not able to make it, you must send a text or call your Youth Director with your reason at least 24 hours in advance. You are THAT important to this ministry! If you are missing too much, you will be asked to step down from leadership.
Being a leader requires consistency. When you commit to serving on our leadership team, your commitment is for the length of one full school year. Be reliable!
Part of being a Leader is committing to choices, lifestyle, and attitudes that are Godly. Your leadership is a model for other students. Because of this, everything your project should be above reproach. This includes your TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.
campus outreach
A leader is passionate about seeing their school campus come to know Christ. Believe big things will happen! Dream God-sized dreams! Reach out to your friends and bring them to YTH!
embody the culture
We believe culture is built by design not by default. Thats why it’s important our lead team embodies the culture of Elevate Life Church, especially in Student Leadership.
know why we exist
This statement defines why Student Leadership exists. Everything will reflect back to this statement.
know the gospel in five words
The gospel will be at the center of everything we do. The Gospel in Five Words is an easy way to remember, understand and share the Gospel with your friends.

We’re asking a lot from our leaders and because of this, we realize leadership isn’t for everyone. Many people won’t want to rise to the high level of commitment we are expecting. Others might not have enough time to commit to attending both Elevate Life Church and YTH services.
If Student Leadership isn’t for you, don’t worry about it. We are committed to you and want to help you continue to grow spiritually, regardless of your involvement.
Although we’re asking for a considerable commitment from our leaders, there are also benefits. Student Leadership has high requirements, but it also has high rewards. Part of the high reward leaders receive is hands on training and personal time with team leaders of the church. Also, leaders take ownership of YTH using the talents and gifts God has given them.
You’ll receive priceless leadership training and experience that will help you grow in every area of life. Being a part of Student Leadership will often result in food, random group outings, an exclusive retreat each year, and a group of friends you will never forget! The spiritual reward of investing in the lives of others will be the best.
We want to invest in the lives and calling of our student leaders!

We are especially concerned about the family life of our leaders. We do not want to create a ton of programs to keep leaders out every night of the week. Spiritual growth does not necessarily require sacrificing family time and commitments.
As far as a time commitment, we’re asking our leadership team to be out one night during the week and participate in one Sunday meeting. (YTH Service & Student Leadership Meetings), attend one day on the weekend (One Elevate Life Church Service).
We are asking our leaders to give 3% of their time monthly (23 hrs / 728 hrs), some months more, some months less.
Typically a student will give 13% of their time to a school activity such as football, choir, drama, etc. Also, a student will give 20% of their time to going to school (not including homework). Students spend about 27% of their time sleeping. This leaves 37% of time left over for family, homework and friends.
How you choose for your family to spend their time is your family’s decision. We are simply pointing out how little time it takes for your leader to make a huge impact in their lives and in the lives of others.
We are asking for 3% of your leader’s time in which they will be serving God, creating lasting relationships with friends, having fun and learning about an area they are gifted in.
We are proud of your leader for their desire to commit to being in YTH Student Leadership. We are asking that if you choose to honor their decision, you will help them stay true to their commitment. We love and appreciate our leader’s parents! Thank you in advance!
We firmly believe that God’s mission for us and His specific calling for our lives deserve to be at the top of our priority list. There are a ton of things we can commit our time to in life, but we believe nothing can be greater than working together, to lead our community and world, to know Jesus in a personal way.

God created us for a relationship with Him long before the world ever existed. This is why humans exist - because He wanted to be with us.
But here’s the problem. When sin came into the world, it created a wall of separation between us and God. All of the sudden, what we were created for had become lost. No one is unaffected by sin and the only way to pay for the problem of sin is death.
But God wasn't okay with this outcome of sin. So he sent a rescue plan. That rescue plan's name was Jesus. Even though He didn't have to, God made the greatest sacrifice in history by giving His son Jesus to pay for sin. The cost of sin is death, so Jesus died -- for us. But he didn't stay dead. After three days, Jesus beat death and came back to life.
Even though God sent His Son Jesus to rescue us from sin - it’s not going to help us unless we make the choice to follow Him. If we choose Jesus publicly and give our entire heart to Him, then we become...
Redemption means being what we were meant to be all along. Not only will we live forever in Heaven with Him, but we are now realigned with the purpose that God had for us all along - to have a relationship with Him.