How to Spend 15 Minutes with Jesus
Summer is approaching and that means our schedules go out the door. It can be hard to incorporate a daily routine when the kids are out of school and life’s rhythm is more relaxed. We would like to provide you with a useful tool that will assist you in spending more time with Jesus. We understand that when you lack a plan or are unsure where to begin, devoting quality time to the Lord can be challenging, and it may feel unproductive. We suggest trying this method, and observing how your relationship with Him flourishes!
The First Fifteen is a simple fifteen-minute exercise that you can incorporate into your daily routine. By setting your alarm fifteen minutes earlier than usual, you can follow these three steps:
Spend 5 minutes in Worship
Spend 5 minutes in Prayer
Spend 5 minutes in the Word
That's it! The process is straightforward and will help you develop a habit of daily time with God. You can choose your preferred worship song, take some time to express gratitude to the Lord, and then delve into the Bible or use a Bible plan. Our hope is that this will enable you to spend your summer with Him at the center of your life!