What It Means to Have a New Identity in Christ
It is not uncommon these days to hear people say they “identify” with various things. Some “identify” with cultural, ethnic, or gender identities that they were or were not born into. There are people who identify with only one of the ethnicities that correspond to their biological makeup. For example, a “Eurasian” child might claim to identify more with her Asian roots than her European side.
But how does this “identifying” oneself apply to Christians? Read on and find out as Elevate Life Church sheds light on this topic :
Believers Get a New Identity in Christ
It’s surprising to some to find that among the most important highlights that happen when God converts them is that they get identified with Christ. Yes, when you become Christian, you get a new identity in Christ. You become a part of the “we” who are together as one, participating in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. This “we” is the Lord’s Church.
You see this in (1 Corinthians 15:45 - 49), where Paul contrasts the first man, Adam, with the spiritual man that is Jesus Christ, saying the first man was from the earth and a man of dust, whereas the second and spiritual man is from heaven. (1 Cor. 15:47).
From the passages, you see that there are indeed two “Adams,” each the head of a race of humanity. The first humanity was led by the “dusty” Adam; humans are polluted by sin and are all destined for death. On the other hand, the second humanity is spiritual - people who were first born of the “dusty” Adam and then born again as the children of God through their adoption in Christ (Eph. 1:4-5). After you are converted by God, you take on a new spiritual identity “in Christ.” It is the main reason we are called Christians or Christ people. Among all the identities you might have, this one identity is the strongest one.
Our New Identity in Christ Is Not Something Your Bring for Yourself
The main difference between having an identity in Christ and “identifying” with a certain group or culture is that the former is not something you do yourself - at least not in the beginning. It was God who gave you new life and identity for the sake of Christ who caused you to start believing and repenting and who sanctified you and led you to persevere. It is through Christ that you will someday rise bodily from the dead.
Yes, you do identify publicly as Christians (you first do this when you receive the sacrament of baptism and celebrate participation in Christ in the Lord’s Supper), but you do so because God chose to identify you with Christ. In short, you choose Christ because he chose you first (John 15:16). You believe in Him because it was Him who gave you the gift of faith (Eph. 2:8-9). And it is all because of Him that you are in Christ (1 Cor. 1:30).
Having an identity in Christ is superior to all the other “identities” you might have because it is one that only God can give you. This “rebirth” happens at the time you hear and believe the gospel saying everyone who calls upon Him will be forgiven their sins and will be granted eternal life. Those who hear this promise and have faith in it will receive what is promised - a new identity that is far from their old one.
If you, too, wish to have an identity in Christ, it’s important to seek spiritual guidance from people who already have an identity in Christ and who can help you find your way to Him, too.
Elevate Life Church can help you encounter God, embrace others who are in Christ, too, and elevate your life and your world. Join Elevate Life Church in Fleming Island, Oakleaf, or Arlington this Sunday to start your journey with Christ!